Son of a Taylor
Nov 17, 2020

Agree that wealth inequality is a huge problem for the U.S., but never thought the rich were out to torment the poor and middle class. Do you have examples?

The rich do seem to look down on those with less — as if having money makes them superior. In my experience, however, they tend to be miserable as they know that money cannot buy contentment and makes life complicated. No one can defeat entropy, not even billionaires.

Maybe they rich don’t create jobs per se, but businesses do and so do entrepreneurs-they sometimes become rich if they are good at what they do. Necessity is necessary, but someone has to step up and fill the need. And the better they fill the need, the more successful they will be.

Some progressive wealth transfer to the poor and middle class is helpful — financing universal healthcare and UBI. We should be careful, however, to avoid marxist extremism that resulted in millions dying of starvation or sent to gulags and re-education in the early 20th century.

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