Good read. Wondering how you’d classify current democrat and republican parties on the cartesian plot (authoritarian vs libertarian and centrally planned vs laissez faire on perpendicular axes)? Democrats seem to be moving toward authoritarian of late: against 2a rights, property rights and sadly, free speech (aka “hate speech.”) Interestingly, republican sentiment, as their power declines, is moving toward a more libertarian position. The “fight” against gay marriage and for keeping God in government long since lost. Democrats, feeling ascendant, risk pressing their advantage by forcing individuals to act against conscience (see bakeries sued over declining to bake cakes for gay weddings) — they’ve been picking on Christians, would be interesting to see the cognitive dissonance if a Muslim-owned bakery was sued for same…
Another way to look at “conservative” and “liberal” is tradition vs. progress and order vs. chaos. Both are needed in a healthy society — progress needs the foundation of tradition and the opportunity of chaos needs the frame of order-Yin and Yang.
Trump is a product of decades of democrat demonization — i.e. republicans aren’t just wrong, they’re evil. This is not helpful — you don’t reason with evil, you destroy it (basket of deplorables). Is this what democrats really want? God help us if they do. Take away the demonization and the rationale for Trump goes away. Let’s hope for a clear election and magnanimous victor — maybe Biden has it in him.