
Great analysis of the pendulum swing of US politics. I very much agree that a lot of good, nuanced solutions to our many problems never see the light of day as they are not “pure.”

How do we get our parties past wanting to “win” at the expense of real problem solving? I think it starts with trying to understand, rather than blame one another. Instead, we usually see only the worst — BLM and Antifa mayhem and white supremacist hate and terror.

It should be clear to all of us that the suffering of others ultimately affects us all, albeit indirectly. Conversely, society improves as more people thrive. As an aside, the wealthy would do well to remember that the “sweet spot” of financial happiness is around $105,000 (Money)— more just tends to complicate life and increase worry.

If only we’d learn to think of others a little more and ourselves a little less we might get down to the business of improving the lot of us all.



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