He disrespects anyone who does not suck up to him or has the temerity to disagree. He turns on friends and family that do not fall in lock-step. He is a damaged and despicable man.
Initially I supported Trump (never voted for him) due to his policies. “Look at what he does, not what he says…” also I enjoyed seeing a Republican fight back against Democratic and media attacks (e.g. Biden saying Romney would “put y’all back in chains” or Hillary’s “basket of deplorables” comment) At some point, however, I realized that I could no longer support a man with no empathy who would sell me or anyone else down the river if it suited his needs. It’s hard for me to understand or explain my previous state of mind.
Interestingly, as I turned against the man, I began to listen to the other “side.” This conservative (really more libertarian) now sees the value of universal healthcare, need for a living minimum wage and other progressive causes. I just ask to keep my own rights to be left alone and not crucified for having different political views (as you rightly state).
What is “right” — shunning, punishing or shaming Trump voters for supporting a bad man, is not necessarily productive- and leads to further alienation and entrenched anger. I find it unlikely that 70 million people are irredeemable. More effective to hold firm in condemning Trump and trying to rehabilitate his supporters: “You aren’t racist (misogynist, etc.), so why do you support a man who is?” or “Don’t you want your children to admire/emulate the President? How does that square with supporting Trump?” Maybe it will work, maybe not — worth a try IMHO. It’s not your responsibility to do so, but it would help our country to heal.